Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I'm feeling senti again. The topic of conversation shouldn't make me feel such pain. Of course, it was about me again, and this one is a happy me, a happy Honey. How did it turn out bad? When things go slightly wrong and I started to feel the same emptiness feeling my heart. How did that all happen? I have not the slightest idea. All I can say is that now I'm, alone, empty, wallowing in self-pity, and wishing that I never have to spend another birthday ever. You out there! You who might be reading this and understood what has happened, don't think that this is all your fault. I know I was wrong to blame you, but I couldn't blame myself. Think that I'm being really, really selfish. If I start blaming myself, I will feel even more miserable. Curse myself for thinking too much, curse myself for being unlike the others, curse myself for being weird, curse myself for being... being... ME. Why should I be me? Can't I be someone else? Curse myself for trying to fit in. Curse myself for trying to stand out. Face it, you won't fit in. You won't stand out. You're a needle thrown into the ocean: useless, neglected and helpless.

See me happy now, and never see me sad. Hear me laugh now and never hear me weep. Well see that ugly face and hear that silent moan, that's me... me, just me. Just Sugar Sparrow. Just Honey. Just Honey Sy. And no one else. Cause no one can be as miserable as she is. No one. No one at all.