Thursday, July 20, 2006

new inspiration

The math long test was so uber urgh... It's urgh squared squared, squared. Gad, I just hope I don't go to basic math... and I don't want to shift course either!

Lately, I think I've been doing well in futsal for the past two meetings. Well, that's what I think, because I could really feel the game spirit... hihi... In fact, I'm pretty excited to play in a real football game. Gosh, I just wonder when that would happen. On the other hand, there's this really frightening futsal varsity player who is playing for the opposing team. Since I was playing guard today, I was so scared when the ball goes to her. "Please don't hit me, don't hit me!!!" Well, good thing I was able to block one of her kicks. YAHOO!

My ultimate inspiration: Just this morning I was walking drowsily to school when suddenly I looked up to the sky like I usually do, and instead of the "Bench Fever" poster, guess what replaced it? Mikee modelling for Bench! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! It's so cool... and he's so cute! My morning suddenly brightened up all thanks to Mikee!!!