Monday, July 09, 2007

Alright... so it's been a really really long time. Oh well, it's already the fourth week of school. School has been kind with me in some ways I couldn't quite understand. At first it seems really tough, but eventually things will be better. I just hope this keeps up through the rest of the sem. I don't mind tough work. All I really care is that things will turn out right in the end.

In other news, I am now, officially, a social-lifeless person. When last year I have to balance my acads atop of my shoulders, this year, I have to balance acads AND org work atop my skinny shoulders. >.< It's sad to confess too, that I've already missed watching a lot of movies this summer. Hopefully, after the GA video, I can watch Transformers finally. Also, I really, really want to watch HP5 this Saturday with Celadon!!! Wahh...!!!